Off the frame: London Chimes

You’ve asked for it and waited for it. Now, here it is: London Chimes, my version of the Wind Chimes quilt pattern from Nancy Zieman’s Quick Column Quilts book!





I am quite pleased with the end product. It is a great showcase for my precious London prints, used in a pattern that captures the energy of the city without forcing me to cut the pieces small enough to lose the overall charm of the feature prints.

What a great project!

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6 Responses to Off the frame: London Chimes

  1. Patti Warriner Moore says:

    I love love love this quilt Lisa, and the quilting is Fabulous! Not to mention that the quilt inspector looks pretty darn cute! Is that an Inspector or Security guarding the Entrance to the room?

    • Lisa Yarost says:

      Patti, the Quilt Inspector is making a rare visit to the room… Only allowed when no customer quilts are out, and right before vacuuming day. The entrance guard in the doorway prefers to stay clear of the action.

      Thank you for kind words regarding the quilt and quilting! I would not have been able to complete the top without my mom, and the quilting was fun! My customers usually prefer their quilting a bit more open than this, so it’s nice to do something different for a change. 🙂

  2. Merry says:

    Awesome quilt. I like the closer /tighter quilting. I look forward to trying this pattern sometime in the future.

  3. Nancy Zieman says:

    Terrific! Thank you for showing us your finished quilt. Great colors!

  4. Margaret Smith says:

    Love your use of the London fabrics.

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